Tuesday, April 7, 2009

About Me Video

This video was created for my Television Field Production class at MU. It's just a quick look at my life as of right now. You can tell that I'm not exactly used to being ON camera, since I'm much more accustom to being behind the camera. In this video I take you to my house, to see my puppy Lucy, to see my lovely room, to a soccer field, and to KOMU 8. I also had to shoot my partner Li for his about me video. It was a pretty fun because I got to see the things that are important to him. I think by the end we learned a lot about each other and how our cultures differ and how they are similar. 

One of the challenges in making Li's video was when we wanted to do a driving scene. I was supposed to sit in the backseat and shoot Li driving for the final scene. He was driving his stick shift jeep, which made it extremely difficult to get a steady shot, but after a few trial runs I was okay with it. I did start to wonder what camera operators actually use in motion pictures and it turns out they use very elaborate tricks to get the shot just right. Sometimes they use a flatbed and other times they use an steady cam attachment for the car, it really all depends on what effect they want.